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Render Subpass: Skybox


Around ForwardSubpass we describe how to build a rendering pipeline that combines flexibility and performance, which critically relies on almost all the techniques described above. But if you just want to make the rendering pipeline implement a specific function, or quickly experiment with a rendering feature, it will be very cumbersome to build the rendering pipeline in such a way that is highly dependent on other modules. Fortunately, the organization of Subpass does not depend on other components, and the interface of WebGPU can be used here to manually build to achieve the rendering function. The skybox introduced in this article is such an example. Interested readers can directly see the specific case effect in Playground. By encapsulating the rendering of the skybox as SkyboxSubpass, this ability can be loaded or removed according to the situation, and the process of scene rendering can be flexibly controlled.

SkyboxSubpass hardly depends on any externally packaged components, including rendering pipeline configuration and shader resource binding, which are all set manually. In the prepare function we implement a long list of initialization code:

void SkyboxSubpass::prepare() {
_depthStencil.format = _renderContext->depthStencilTextureFormat();
_depthStencil.depthWriteEnabled = false;
_depthStencil.depthCompare = wgpu::CompareFunction::LessEqual;
_forwardPipelineDescriptor.depthStencil = &_depthStencil;
_colorTargetState.format = _renderContext->drawableTextureFormat();
_fragment.targetCount = 1;
_fragment.targets = &_colorTargetState;
_forwardPipelineDescriptor.fragment = &_fragment;
_forwardPipelineDescriptor.label = "Skybox Pipeline";


// BindGroupLayout
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[0].binding = 10;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[0].visibility = wgpu::ShaderStage::Vertex;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[0].buffer.type = wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[1].binding = 0;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[1].visibility = wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[1].texture.multisampled = false;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[1].texture.sampleType = wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[1].texture.viewDimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Cube;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[2].binding = 1;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[2].visibility = wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment;
_bindGroupLayoutEntry[2].sampler.type = wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Filtering;
_bindGroupLayoutDescriptor.entryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(_bindGroupLayoutEntry.size());
_bindGroupLayoutDescriptor.entries =;
_bindGroupLayout = _pass->resourceCache().requestBindGroupLayout(_bindGroupLayoutDescriptor);
// BindGroup
_bindGroupEntries[0].binding = 10;
_bindGroupEntries[0].size = sizeof(Matrix4x4F);
_bindGroupEntries[0].buffer = _vpMatrix.handle();
_bindGroupEntries[1].binding = 0;
_bindGroupEntries[2].binding = 1;
_bindGroupDescriptor.entryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(_bindGroupEntries.size());
_bindGroupDescriptor.entries =;
_bindGroupDescriptor.layout = _bindGroupLayout;


Record Rendering Commands​

The actual rendering mainly requires two resources:

  1. Skybox meshes, cubes with cubemap, and spheres with sphere-map
  2. Cubemap

Due to the particularity of the skybox algorithm, it is necessary to modify the view matrix at the beginning of rendering, and then upload the modified matrix to the GPU:

void SkyboxSubpass::draw(wgpu::RenderPassEncoder& passEncoder) {
passEncoder.PushDebugGroup("Draw Skybox");

const auto projectionMatrix = _camera->projectionMatrix();
auto viewMatrix = _camera->viewMatrix();
if (_type == SkyBoxType::Cuboid) {
viewMatrix[12] = 0;
viewMatrix[13] = 0;
viewMatrix[14] = 0;
viewMatrix[15] = 1;
auto _matrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = to_bytes(_matrix);
_renderContext->device().GetQueue().WriteBuffer(_vpMatrix.handle(), 0,, sizeof(Matrix4x4F));


Next, since the cubemap can change at runtime, it needs to be bound in the draw function:

_bindGroupEntries[1].textureView = _cubeMap->textureView();
_bindGroupEntries[2].sampler = _cubeMap->sampler();
passEncoder.SetBindGroup(0, _pass->resourceCache().requestBindGroup(_bindGroupDescriptor));

Finally, execute the drawing.

Add Skybox Render Subpass​

Unlike ForwardSubpass, which is a built-in rendering sub-pass of the engine, the rendering of the skybox is optional. The user inherits ForwardApplication and then also adds the rendering of the skybox to RenderPass in the prepare method:

bool SkyboxApp::prepare(Engine &engine) {

const std::string path = "SkyMap/country/";
const std::array<std::string, 6> imageNames = {"posx.png", "negx.png", "posy.png", "negy.png", "posz.png", "negz.png"};
std::array<std::unique_ptr<Image>, 6> images;
std::array<Image*, 6> imagePtr;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
images[i] = Image::load(path + imageNames[i]);
imagePtr[i] = images[i].get();
auto cubeMap = std::make_shared<SampledTextureCube>(_device, images[0]->extent().width, images[0]->extent().height,

auto skybox = std::make_unique<SkyboxSubpass>(_renderContext.get(), _scene.get(), _mainCamera);

return true;


If ForwardSubpass shows the combined effect of many capabilities carefully encapsulated by the engine, then SkyboxSubpass shows the more flexible side of the engine. Users can set the binding and group indicators by themselves, bind the required resources by themselves, and can also complete the rendering work. Going a step further, experimenting with new rendering features in such a flexible way, and then combining a series of tools to refactor the rendering features into a general function, is more in line with the way developers work iteratively with the development engine.