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Shadows - Advanced


In the previous article, we used ShadowSubpass to encapsulate the operation of rendering a ShadowMap. In this way, only need to change wgpu::RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment, you can easily get the desired ShadowMap by using the texture bound on it. At the same time, in order to reduce the occupation of the shader map binding channel, the rendered ShadowMap is packaged into a TextureArray. For spotlights, the perspective and view matrices needed to render from the light source are easily determined based on the direction and extent. However, it is not particularly easy for directional light, because directional light is unbounded, and if a very large view frustum is used to calculate the perspective matrix, it will cause a waste of texture accuracy. Therefore, a cascade method is generally used to cut the viewing frustum from far to near. After cutting, the bounding boxes of these cut frustums are calculated from the direction of the light source, thereby obtaining the orthogonal projection matrix . At the same time, the point light source is also unbounded, so the shadow cube map is generally used to render the shadow map of the six faces.

Cascaded Shadows​

For cascaded shadows, you first need to cut the frustum according to the direction of the camera:

void ShadowManager::_updateCascadesShadow(DirectLight *light, ShadowManager::ShadowData& shadowData) {
shadowData.radius = light->shadowRadius();
shadowData.bias = light->shadowBias();
shadowData.intensity = light->shadowIntensity();

std::array<float, SHADOW_MAP_CASCADE_COUNT> cascadeSplits{};
auto worldPos = light->entity()->transform->worldPosition();

float nearClip = _camera->nearClipPlane();
float farClip = _camera->farClipPlane();
float clipRange = farClip - nearClip;

float minZ = nearClip;
float maxZ = nearClip + clipRange;

float range = maxZ - minZ;
float ratio = maxZ / minZ;

// Calculate split depths based on view camera frustum
// Based on method presented in
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SHADOW_MAP_CASCADE_COUNT; i++) {
float p = (i + 1) / static_cast<float>(SHADOW_MAP_CASCADE_COUNT);
float log = minZ * std::pow(ratio, p);
float uniform = minZ + range * p;
float d = _cascadeSplitLambda * (log - uniform) + uniform;
cascadeSplits[i] = (d - nearClip) / clipRange;


Then, according to the cut distance, the eight points of the view frustum are transformed into the local coordinate system centered on the light source:

// Calculate orthographic projection matrix for each cascade
float lastSplitDist = 0.0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SHADOW_MAP_CASCADE_COUNT; i++) {
float splitDist = cascadeSplits[i];
std::array<Point3F, 8> _frustumCorners = frustumCorners;

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Vector3F dist = _frustumCorners[i + 4] - _frustumCorners[i];
_frustumCorners[i + 4] = _frustumCorners[i] + (dist * splitDist);
_frustumCorners[i] = _frustumCorners[i] + (dist * lastSplitDist);

auto lightMat = light->entity()->transform->worldMatrix();
auto lightViewMat = lightMat.inverse();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
_frustumCorners[i] = lightViewMat * _frustumCorners[i];
float farDist = _frustumCorners[7].distanceTo(_frustumCorners[5]);
float crossDist = _frustumCorners[7].distanceTo(_frustumCorners[1]);
float maxDist = farDist > crossDist ? farDist : crossDist;


The advantage of this is that it is easy to calculate the bounding box of these eight points in the local coordinate system.


The biggest difficulty with cascaded shadows is that when the camera moves, the shadows often shake as well. At the pixel level, the reason for shadow flickering is that, with the movement of the shadow camera, the movement of the shadow map relative to the sampling point does not only include a simple translation and rotation, but also a certain scaling. When panning and rotating, the sample point moves smoothly from one pixel to another, but when zooming, the shadow jumps quickly between multiple pixels, which is one of the reasons for edge flickering. Scaling can be prevented by facets:

  1. Make sure that the aspect ratio of the shadow map is the same as the aspect ratio of the shadow camera frustum.
  2. Ensure that the corresponding size of each pixel in the shadow map in the world space remains unchanged.

For the previous point: the shadow map aspect ratio is constant 1:1, so you need to ensure that the shadow camera frustum aspect ratio is also 1:1, which means the viewport is square. For the latter point: just keep the shadow camera viewport size fixed.

In addition to this, another reason for flickering is the alignment of pixels, This Microsoft's documentation are mentioned.

In order to achieve stable cascaded shadows, we select the largest diagonal of the cut frustum as the diameter of the bounding sphere. Then complete the pixel alignment:

// texel tile
float fWorldUnitsPerTexel = maxDist / (float) 1000;
float posX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5f;
posX /= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;
posX = std::floor(posX);
posX *= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;

float posY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5f;
posY /= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;
posY = std::floor(posY);
posY *= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;

float posZ = maxZ;
posZ /= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;
posZ = std::floor(posZ);
posZ *= fWorldUnitsPerTexel;

In the engine, the view frustum is divided into four pieces. Through the above transformation, four sets of perspective and view matrices can be obtained. With these matrices, the scene is rendered four times. In order to reduce the number of textures, keep the results of these four renderings on the same texture, which requires each rendering to use setViewport to keep the rendering results within a certain range of the texture:

if (i == 0) {
_depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Clear;
} else {
_depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Load;
_renderPass->draw(commandEncoder, "Direct Shadow Pass");

For other types of rendering, generally depthLoadOp will be set to wgpu::LoadOp::Clear, which needs to be adjusted to wgpu::LoadOp::Load, otherwise only the last rendering result can be retained.

This texture is in the shader, and it also needs to offset the UV according to the position of the cascade:

var shadow_sample = textureSampleCompare(u_shadowMap, u_shadowSampler, xy + off + offsets[cascadeIndex], index, shadowCoord.z / shadowCoord.w);
return select(1.0, u_shadowData.intensity, shadow_sample < 1.0);

Using textureSampleCompare can avoid the shader branch problem caused by comparing depth, the function directly returns 0 or 1, and then select can completely eliminate branch judgment.

Omnidirectional Shadow​

Shadows cast from point light sources are generally processed using an omnidirectional shadow map, which saves the shadow map in a cube map and uses the depth cube map to draw shadows. Similar to cascaded shadows, we need to render a texture six times. But the difference is that the cubemap has six faces, so it can be configured via wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor:

 wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.format = SHADOW_MAP_FORMAT;
descriptor.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
descriptor.arrayLayerCount = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
descriptor.baseArrayLayer = i;
_depthStencilAttachment.view = texture.CreateView(&descriptor);

_renderPass->draw(commandEncoder, "Point Shadow Pass");

Similarly, in the shader, it is also necessary to determine a specific face, and then sample the depth:

fn convertUVToDirection( face:i32, uv:vec2<f32>)->vec3<f32> {
var u = 2.0 * uv.x - 1.0;
var v = -2.0 * uv.y + 1.0;

let offsets = array<vec3<f32>, 6>(
vec3<f32>(1.0, v, -u),
vec3<f32>(-1.0, v, u),
vec3<f32>(u, 1.0, -v),
vec3<f32>(u, -1.0, v),
vec3<f32>(u, v, 1.0),
vec3<f32>(-u, v, -1.0),
return offsets[face];

A small bug, or An optimization​

Whether it is a spot light, a point light or a directional light, in order to pack the depth maps together as much as possible, after completing their respective renderings, they need to be transferred to a TextureArray. During the implementation process, I found that if there is only one depth map in the scene, I cannot use wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2DArray to bind to the shader's texture_depth_2d_array, Dawn itself does not report errors, but the underlying Metal API does. I have submitted a bug fix to Dawn. However, this general design is redundant for the case where there is only one depth map, and an extra copy work can be completely avoided. Therefore, although the program is a bit cumbersome, in order to bypass the current problem, it is also an optimization. Chances of the code, I made some minor modifications:

if (_shadowCount == 1) {
} else {