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Shadow is a very important function in the engine, which can make the effect of scene rendering more realistic, and there is also a corresponding display in the playground of the website. The shadow technology based on ShadowMap is integrated in Arche. It is very simple to turn on the shadow, it is mainly divided into three parts

  1. The light source settings enable shadows to render ShadowMap
  2. The Projector chooses to cast a shadow so that it is rendered when the ShadowMap is rendered
  3. The acceptor chooses to receive the shadow, so that it reads the depth from the ShadowMap during forward rendering
auto light = rootEntity->createChild("light");
auto spotLight = light->addComponent<SpotLight>();
spotLight->intensity = 0.2;

auto boxRenderer = boxEntity->addComponent<MeshRenderer>();
boxRenderer->setMesh(PrimitiveMesh::createCuboid(_device, cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize));
boxRenderer->castShadow = true;

auto planeRenderer = planeEntity->addComponent<MeshRenderer>();
planeRenderer->setMesh(PrimitiveMesh::createPlane(_device, 10, 10));
planeRenderer->receiveShadow = true;

In order to make the API on the user side as simple as possible, a series of work has been done inside the shadow system, among which ShadowManager is the main manager. It controls the process of shadow drawing, and finally saves the texture and information needed to draw shadows to the ShaderData of the Scene. For applications that need to use shadows, just use ShadowManager::draw to add shadow rendering to the main loop:

void ShadowManager::draw(wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder) {
_numOfdrawCall = 0;
_shadowCount = 0;
if (_shadowCount) {
_scene->shaderData.setSampledTexture(_shadowMapProp, _shadowSamplerProp, _packedTexture);
_scene->shaderData.setData(_shadowDataProp, _shadowDatas);

_cubeShadowCount = 0;
if (_cubeShadowCount) {
_scene->shaderData.setSampledTexture(_cubeShadowMapProp, _cubeShadowSamplerProp, _packedCubeTexture);
_scene->shaderData.setData(_cubeShadowDataProp, _cubeShadowDatas);

For the three types of light in the current engine, ShadowMap needs to deal with many details in the implementation, and the core problem is how to determine the projection matrix and view matrix from the light source. Therefore, the final rendered shadow map is divided into three cases to consider:

  1. Spotlight: Only need to render a shadow map, and the parameters of the perspective matrix can be obtained directly through the parameters of the spotlight.
  2. Directional light: Use Cascade Shadow Map(CSSM) technology to set the perspective matrix by dividing the view frustum into several parts.
  3. Point Light: Using an omnidirectional shadow map, render a cube shadow map on six faces.

In the following articles, we will introduce the specific implementation technology in detail.

ShadowMap Basic Rendering Pipeline​

But no matter which one, you need to render ShadowMap at least once. In order to achieve such a ShadowMap rendering, not only Subpass is required but also because the depth map is passed through wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor set, so a separate RenderPass is required. This is very similar to FramebufferPicker. Further, rendering the depth map does not require any fragment shader, only one execution of the vertex shader is required, so the fragment shader-related configuration can be left out:

ShadowManager::ShadowManager(Scene* scene, Camera* camera):
_shadowMapProp(Shader::createProperty("u_shadowMap", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)),
_shadowSamplerProp(Shader::createProperty("u_shadowSampler", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)),
_shadowDataProp(Shader::createProperty("u_shadowData", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)),

_cubeShadowMapProp(Shader::createProperty("u_cubeShadowMap", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)),
_cubeShadowSamplerProp(Shader::createProperty("u_cubeShadowSampler", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)),
_cubeShadowDataProp(Shader::createProperty("u_cubeShadowData", ShaderDataGroup::Scene)) {
_renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachmentCount = 0;
_renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments = nullptr;
_renderPassDescriptor.depthStencilAttachment = &_depthStencilAttachment;
_depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Clear;
_depthStencilAttachment.depthClearValue = 1.0;
_depthStencilAttachment.depthStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Store;
_depthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Load;
_depthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Discard;

_renderPass = std::make_unique<RenderPass>(_scene->device(), _renderPassDescriptor);
auto shadowSubpass = std::make_unique<ShadowSubpass>(nullptr, _scene, _camera);
_shadowSubpass = shadowSubpass.get();

The overall logic of ShadowSubpass is basically the same as that of ForwardSubpass, but there is no need to configure wgpu::FragmentState related properties. At the same time, all RenderElement materials are important because fragment shaders are not used. The perspective matrix and view matrix required for rendering are both given by the light source and need to be configured according to different light sources. In order to facilitate the uploading of matrices and the associated WGSLEncoder, a special material ShadowMaterial is encapsulated:

ShadowMaterial::ShadowMaterial(wgpu::Device& device):
BaseMaterial(device, Shader::find("shadow")),
_shadowViewProjectionProp(Shader::createProperty("u_shadowVPMat", ShaderDataGroup::Material)) {


void ShadowMaterial::setViewProjectionMatrix(const Matrix4x4F& vp) {
_vp = vp;
shaderData.setData(_shadowViewProjectionProp, _vp);

const Matrix4x4F& ShadowMaterial::viewProjectionMatrix() const {
return _vp;

It should be noted that each matrix needs to correspond to a material, rather than just constructing a material object. Otherwise, as the matrix is modified, only the last matrix is finally submitted to the GPU for operation.

The perspective matrix and view matrix are not only used for calculations in the shader, but also for scene culling. Since culling is no longer performed through the information in the camera, a simplified version of the culling function is specially encapsulated:

void ComponentsManager::callRender(const BoundingFrustum &frustrum,
std::vector<RenderElement> &opaqueQueue,
std::vector<RenderElement> &alphaTestQueue,
std::vector<RenderElement> &transparentQueue) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _renderers.size(); i++) {
const auto &renderer = _renderers[i];
// filter by renderer castShadow and frustrum cull
if (frustrum.intersectsBox(renderer->bounds())) {
renderer->_render(opaqueQueue, alphaTestQueue, transparentQueue);

Pack ShadowMaterial, ShadowSubpass into RenderPass, combined with wgpu::RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment Configure the depth map that needs to be rendered, and you can easily render the required ShadowMap. For situations like point lights that require rendering six times, it is also easy to RenderPass::draw to perform.

void ShadowManager::_drawSpotShadowMap(wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder) {
const auto &lights = _scene->light_manager.spotLights();
for (const auto &light: lights) {
if (light->enableShadow() && _shadowCount < MAX_SHADOW) {
_updateSpotShadow(light, _shadowDatas[_shadowCount]);

_depthStencilAttachment.view = texture.CreateView();
std::shared_ptr<ShadowMaterial> material{nullptr};
if (_numOfdrawCall < _materialPool.size()) {
material = _materialPool[_numOfdrawCall];
} else {
material = std::make_shared<ShadowMaterial>(_scene->device());
_renderPass->draw(commandEncoder, "Spot Shadow Pass");

Texture Packing​

Since the number of texture bindings in the shader is limited, the upper limit of maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage is 16. If the scene has several light sources rendering shadows, plus the texture of the object itself, it is easy to exceed the upper limit. So the best way is to put the ShadowMap is packed into a TextureArray. Textures can be easily combined using the CopyTextureToTexture method, which only needs to be bound once:

void TextureUtils::buildTextureArray(const std::vector<wgpu::Texture>::iterator &texturesBegin,
const std::vector<wgpu::Texture>::iterator &texturesEnd,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
wgpu::Texture& textureArray,
wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder) {
wgpu::ImageCopyTexture destination;
destination.texture = textureArray;

wgpu::ImageCopyTexture source;

wgpu::Extent3D copySize;
copySize.width = width;
copySize.height = height;
copySize.depthOrArrayLayers = 1;

for (auto iter = texturesBegin; iter < texturesEnd; iter++) {
destination.origin.z = static_cast<uint32_t>(iter - texturesBegin);
source.texture = *iter;

commandEncoder.CopyTextureToTexture(&source, &destination, &copySize);