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Render Pass

Arche is based on the configuration process of the WebGPU rendering pipeline, using the two types of RenderPass and Subpass to organize the rendering pipeline, This makes it possible to use the various tools introduced in the previous articles to implement a flexible configuration of a high-performance rendering pipeline, or to directly call the WebGPU interface to quickly build a rendering pipeline that completes a specific function. At the same time, each RenderPass can combine multiple Subpss to complete the rendering work under the same "canvas", namely wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor.

Render Pass Descriptor​

In ForwardApplication, wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor is constructed. This structure is associated with the wgpu::TextureView in the familiar RenderContext, and configures the operation when the canvas texture is loaded and saved:

bool ForwardApplication::prepare(Engine &engine) {

_scene = std::make_unique<Scene>(_device);

auto extent = engine.window().extent();
loadScene(extent.width, extent.height);

// Create a render pass descriptor for thelighting and composition pass
// Whatever rendered in the final pass needs to be stored so it can be displayed
_renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachmentCount = 1;
_renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments = &_colorAttachments;
_renderPassDescriptor.depthStencilAttachment = &_depthStencilAttachment;

_colorAttachments.storeOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Store;
_colorAttachments.loadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Clear;
auto& color = _scene->background.solidColor;
_colorAttachments.clearColor = wgpu::Color{color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a};
_depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Clear;
_depthStencilAttachment.clearDepth = 1.0;
_depthStencilAttachment.depthStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Discard;
_depthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Clear;
_depthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Discard;
_renderPass = std::make_unique<RenderPass>(_device, _renderPassDescriptor);
_renderPass->addSubpass(std::make_unique<ForwardSubpass>(_renderContext.get(), _scene.get(), _mainCamera));

return true;

Since the RenderContext may rebuild the depth map etc. due to the user resizing the window, bind it in every render loop:

void ForwardApplication::update(float delta_time) {

wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = _device.CreateCommandEncoder();
_colorAttachments.view = _renderContext->currentDrawableTexture();
_depthStencilAttachment.view = _renderContext->depthStencilTexture();

_renderPass->draw(commandEncoder, "Lighting & Composition Pass");
// Finalize rendering here & push the command buffer to the GPU
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish();
_device.GetQueue().Submit(1, &commands);

Render Pass​

Note that the main loop calls RenderPass::draw to record GPU commands for wgpu::CommandEncoder. RenderPass has three functions:

  1. Save the pointer of Subpass, save its own pointer to Subpass, and finally call the Subpass::prepare method to initialize
  2. Construct wgpu::RenderPassEncoder and pass it to Subpass
  3. Maintain the relationship between the related RenderPass so that the Subpass can access the information of the rendering context

In RenderPass::draw, the saved Subpass object will be called for rendering:

void RenderPass::draw(wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder,
std::optional<std::string> label) {
assert(!_subpasses.empty() && "Render pipeline should contain at least one sub-pass");

wgpu::RenderPassEncoder encoder = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&_desc);
if (label) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _subpasses.size(); ++i) {
_activeSubpassIndex = i;
_activeSubpassIndex = 0;


Render Subpass​

Subpass needs to specify the rendered scene and camera during construction. The reason why this information is specified in the constructor is to generate a series of WebGPU objects earlier and cache them to improve runtime performance. All subclasses must implement two pure virtual functions:

* @brief Prepares the shaders and shader variants for a subpass
virtual void prepare() = 0;

* @brief Draw virtual function
* @param commandEncoder CommandEncoder to use to record draw commands
virtual void draw(wgpu::RenderPassEncoder& commandEncoder) = 0;

The former constructs as many WebGPU objects as possible and caches them, while the latter records rendering commands into wgpu::RenderPassEncoder.

Practice in Arche.js​

The overall architecture of Arche.js is similar, but since users are not expected to extend Engine through inheritance in Arche.js, So wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor is built directly inside RendPass:

export class ForwardRenderPass extends RenderPass {
private _renderPassColorAttachment = new RenderPassColorAttachment();
private _renderPassDepthStencilAttachment = new RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment();
private _engine: Engine;

constructor(engine: Engine) {
this._engine = engine;
const renderPassDescriptor = this.renderPassDescriptor;
const renderPassColorAttachment = this._renderPassColorAttachment;
const renderPassDepthStencilAttachment = this._renderPassDepthStencilAttachment;

renderPassDescriptor.depthStencilAttachment = this._renderPassDepthStencilAttachment;
renderPassColorAttachment.storeOp = "store";
renderPassColorAttachment.loadOp = 'clear';
renderPassColorAttachment.clearValue = {r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0};
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = 'clear';
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.depthClearValue = 1.0;
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.depthStoreOp = "store";
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = 'clear';
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.stencilClearValue = 0.0;
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = "store";
renderPassDepthStencilAttachment.view = engine.renderContext.depthStencilTexture();

this.addSubpass(new ForwardSubpass(engine));

draw(scene: Scene, camera: Camera, commandEncoder: GPUCommandEncoder) {
this._renderPassColorAttachment.view = this._engine.renderContext.currentDrawableTexture();
super.draw(scene, camera, commandEncoder);

Make RenderPass and Subpass the same, can be combined to render:

   const commandEncoder = this._device.createCommandEncoder();
for (let j = 0, n = this._renderPasses.length; j < n; j++) {
const renderPass = this._renderPasses[j];
renderPass.draw(scene, camera, commandEncoder);

This combination is not optimal. For example, the FrameBufferColorPicker described later will add a blocking operation to the rendering pipeline, waiting for the rendering task to complete. Blocking operations require careful configuration, otherwise it can easily affect performance.