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Material Overview

With ShaderData and RenderState you can implement material Material, which is user-facing and integrates three underlying types:

  1. ShaderData (including ShaderMacroCollection)
  2. RenderState
  3. Shader, the shader class, used to generate shader code and construct ShaderProgram

On the user-facing side, the above concepts are regrouped into the following aspects:

  1. Rendering resources: SampledTexture, Color and other data
  2. Rendering state: whether the material is transparent, how to mix
  3. Shaders: how to render objects All interfaces are encapsulated into set/get member functions, which are more convenient to call.

Material is the base class for all material classes:

class Material {
/** Name. */
std::string name = "";
/** Shader used by the material. */
Shader *shader;
/** Render queue type. */
RenderQueueType::Enum renderQueueType = RenderQueueType::Enum::Opaque;
/** Shader data. */
ShaderData shaderData;
/** Render state. */
RenderState renderState = RenderState();

* Create a material instance.
* @param shader - Shader used by the material
Material(wgpu::Device& device, Shader *shader);

The BaseMaterial implemented on this base class mainly handles the public functions of the material, such as tilingOffset, renderFace, blendMode. On this basis, the engine provides four materials:

  1. UnlitMaterial
  2. BlinnPhongMaterial
  3. PBRMaterial: Metallic Workflow PBR
  4. PBRSpecularMaterial: Specular workflow PBR


Unlit materials are not affected by the Light component and are generally used for baked materials. Use a shader named "unlit" and have the simplest interface:

UnlitMaterial::UnlitMaterial(wgpu::Device& device) :
BaseMaterial(device, Shader::find("unlit")),
_baseColorProp(Shader::createProperty("u_baseColor", ShaderDataGroup::Material)),
_baseTextureProp(Shader::createProperty("u_baseTexture", ShaderDataGroup::Material)),
_baseSamplerProp(Shader::createProperty("u_baseSampler", ShaderDataGroup::Material)) {

shaderData.setData(_baseColorProp, _baseColor);

It constructs shader properties named "u_baseTexture" and "u_baseSampler", each of which has a unique indicator, although SampledTextuer packs the sampler and shader together, it still needs to apply for two indicators. In setBaseTexture, these two properties are used together to set the shader data and open the texture macro:

void UnlitMaterial::setBaseTexture(SampledTexture2DPtr newValue) {
_baseTexture = newValue;
UnlitMaterial::_baseSamplerProp, newValue);

if (newValue) {
} else {


The BlinnPhongMaterial material is the most classic rendering material, which involves many attributes, and this series of attributes are packaged into a UniformBuffer:

struct BlinnPhongData {
Color baseColor = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
Color specularColor = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
Color emissiveColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
float normalIntensity = 1.f;
float shininess = 16.f;
float _pad1, _pad2; // align

Physically based materials​

PBR is currently a very popular material that can achieve very realistic rendering effects. Although the algorithmic principle of PBR itself is very simple, there are many subdivided implementations. The PBR materials of the engine all inherit from PBRBaseMaterial, which implements some public properties:

struct PBRBaseData {
Color baseColor = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
Color emissiveColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
float normalTextureIntensity = 1.f;
float occlusionTextureIntensity = 1.f;
float _pad1, _pad2;

On this basis, there are two types of PBR workflows: metallic workflow and specular workflow, and the materials provided by these two workflows are different. The former metal roughness, and even the mask are stored in different channels of a map; the latter is the specular and glossiness stored in a map:


struct PBRData {
float metallic = 1.f;
float roughness = 1.f;
float _pad1, _pad2;


struct PBRSpecularData {
Color specularColor = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
float glossiness = 1.f;;
float _pad1, _pad2, _pad3;

Practice in Arche.js​

The differences in materials in Arche.js are mainly due to the differences in the implementation of the underlying Shader, ShaderData and other types, as well as the differences in the TypeScript language itself. First, in addition to the shader properties that need to be constructed, in order to avoid triggering garbage collection at runtime, it is also necessary to obtain the object of the shader macro:

export class BaseMaterial extends Material {
private static _alphaCutoffMacro: ShaderMacro = Shader.getMacroByName("NEED_ALPHA_CUTOFF");

In addition to that, get/set can be implemented as properties instead of member functions in TypeScript. But there is no struct type in JavaScript, so the so-called BlinnPhongData can only be replaced by a Float32Array

export class BlinnPhongMaterial extends BaseMaterial {
// baseColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, normalIntensity, shininess, _pad1, _pad2
private _blinnPhongData: Float32Array = new Float32Array(16);

This way, if the user calls get baseColor, they cannot get an object of type Color. For convenience, in materials, similar situations require additional storage of some data. Make the get/set method more natural:

export class BlinnPhongMaterial extends BaseMaterial {
* Base color.
get baseColor(): Color {
return this._baseColor;

set baseColor(value: Color) {
const blinnPhongData = this._blinnPhongData;
blinnPhongData[0] = value.r;
blinnPhongData[1] = value.g;
blinnPhongData[2] = value.b;
blinnPhongData[3] = value.a;
this.shaderData.setFloatArray(BlinnPhongMaterial._blinnPhongProp, blinnPhongData);

const baseColor = this._baseColor;
if (value !== baseColor) {

The above method separates the data obtained by the user from the data actually sent to the GPU, so directly modifying the obtained Color has no effect, i.e.

mat.baseColor.r = 1.0

will not have any effect. requires additional calls

mat.baseColor = mat.baseColor

data update will be triggered. This design has a similar problem when modifying the properties of the Transform component.