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Clustered Forward+


Due to the difficulties of deferred rendering in bandwidth usage, transparent objects, multi-material rendering, etc., the forward rendering mode is mainly used in Arche-cpp, and Forward+ is integrated to cull light sources. There are generally two types of light source culling, one is Tile-based, which divides the screen space, and another is Cluster-based, which divides the viewing frustum. The two methods are similar in nature, and are introduced here on the basis of Cluster-based. In the process of development, I gradually realized that Forward+ and shadow rendering are very similar, both of which need to do some "pre-calculation" preparations before official rendering. The former is to calculate the light source list by cluster, and the latter is to render ShadowMap, so The final code structure is also very similar.

Main Logic​

In order to allow more pre- and post-processing to be integrated into the main loop, both shadow and lighting updates are proposed separately:

void ForwardApplication::updateGPUTask(wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder) {

Both ShadowManager and LightManager are singleton patterns, users can also extend the capabilities of the engine in a similar way, and insert their own singleton manager updates through subclasses.

Therefore, the main logic is concentrated in the draw function:

void LightManager::draw(wgpu::CommandEncoder& commandEncoder) {

size_t pointLightCount = _pointLights.size();
size_t spotLightCount = _spotLights.size();
if (pointLightCount + spotLightCount > FORWARD_PLUS_ENABLE_MIN_COUNT) {
_enableForwardPlus = true;
bool updateBounds = false;

_forwardPlusUniforms.matrix = _camera->projectionMatrix();
_forwardPlusUniforms.inverseMatrix = _camera->inverseProjectionMatrix();
if (_forwardPlusUniforms.outputSize.x != _camera->width() ||
_forwardPlusUniforms.outputSize.y != _camera->height()) {
updateBounds = true;
_forwardPlusUniforms.outputSize = Vector2F(_camera->framebufferWidth(), _camera->framebufferHeight());
_forwardPlusUniforms.zNear = _camera->nearClipPlane();
_forwardPlusUniforms.zFar = _camera->farClipPlane();
_forwardPlusUniforms.viewMatrix = _camera->viewMatrix();
_scene->shaderData.setData(_forwardPlusProp, _forwardPlusUniforms);

// Reset the light offset counter to 0 before populating the light clusters.
uint32_t empty = 0;
_clusterLightsBuffer->uploadData(_scene->device(), &empty, sizeof(uint32_t));

auto encoder = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass();
if (updateBounds) {

There are two compute shaders involved in the main logic, the former is only called when the viewport size is updated, and the latter needs to be called every frame to calculate the light source list. Due to the good design of ComputePass, we only need to focus on compute shader itself.

Calculate the Bounding box of the Cluster​

The logic of calculating the bounding box is to let each thread on GPU calculate the bounding box of the screen space, and then go to the view space through the inverse transformation of the projection matrix:

fn clipToView(clip : vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
let view = u_cluster_projection.inverseMatrix * clip;
return view / vec4<f32>(view.w, view.w, view.w, view.w);

fn screen2View(screen : vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
let texCoord = screen.xy / u_cluster_projection.outputSize.xy;
let clip = vec4<f32>(vec2<f32>(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y) * 2.0 - vec2<f32>(1.0, 1.0), screen.z, screen.w);
return clipToView(clip);

Save the List of lights in each Cluster​

What needs to be calculated frame by frame is the list of light sources, so that when rendering, the corresponding Cluster can be found according to the position of the fragment, and the list of light sources can be extracted for lighting calculation. This way a large number of unlit fragments do not need to do expensive light traversal. Since we have calculated the bounding box for each Cluster, the next step is to circulate the light source to determine whether the circle with the light source coordinate as the center and the radiation range as the radius intersects the bounding box.

if (!lightInCluster) {
let lightViewPos = u_cluster_view.matrix * vec4<f32>(u_spotLight[i].position, 1.0);
let sqDist = sqDistPointAABB(, u_clusters.bounds[tileIndex].minAABB, u_clusters.bounds[tileIndex].maxAABB);
lightInCluster = sqDist <= (range * range);

When lightInCluster is true, the indicator of the corresponding light source is recorded. Since we need an array to record this information, but each thread is computed in parallel, an atomic operation is required to compute the starting point of each Cluster in this array. And based on this starting point, the calculated information is saved:

var offset = atomicAdd(&u_clusterLights.offset, clusterLightCount);

for(var i = 0u; i < clusterLightCount; i = i + 1u) {
u_clusterLights.indices[offset + i] = cluserLightIndices[i];
u_clusterLights.lights[tileIndex].offset = offset;
u_clusterLights.lights[tileIndex].point_count = clusterLightCount;

Modify the Render Material​

After completing the calculation, we only need to modify the traversal method of the light source in the original rendering material. Without this option, each fragment would go through all lights, even if the light had no effect on the fragment. But after you have the light source list, you can search for the corresponding Cluster according to the position of the fragment, take out the light source list, and traverse a few light sources. Doing so greatly reduces the overhead of light source calculations. In the case of Playground, you can see that it is easy to render dozens of light sources.

if (macros.contains(POINT_LIGHT_COUNT)) {
source += "{\n";

if (LightManager::getSingleton().enableForwardPlus()) {
source += "let lightCount = u_clusterLights.lights[clusterIndex].point_count;\n";
} else {
source += fmt::format("let lightCount = {}u;\n", (int)*macros.macroConstant(POINT_LIGHT_COUNT));

source += "var i:u32 = 0u;\n";
source += "loop {\n";
source += "if (i >= lightCount) { break; }\n";

if (LightManager::getSingleton().enableForwardPlus()) {
source += "let index = u_clusterLights.indices[lightOffset + i];\n";
} else {
source += "let index = i;\n";

source += fmt::format(" var direction = {}.v_pos - u_pointLight[index].position;\n", _input);
source += " var dist = length( direction );\n";
source += " direction = direction / dist;\n";
source += " var decay = clamp(1.0 - pow(dist / u_pointLight[index].distance, 4.0), 0.0, 1.0);\n";
source += "\n";
source += " var d = max( dot( N, -direction ), 0.0 ) * decay;\n";
source += " lightDiffuse = lightDiffuse + u_pointLight[index].color * d;\n";
source += "\n";
source += " var halfDir = normalize( V - direction );\n";
source += " var s = pow( clamp( dot( N, halfDir ), 0.0, 1.0 ), u_blinnPhongData.shininess ) * decay;\n";
source += " lightSpecular = lightSpecular + u_pointLight[index].color * s;\n";

source += "i = i + 1u;\n";
source += "}\n";
source += "}\n";

It can also be seen from here that the essence of Forward+ lies in the culling of light sources, the most critical of which is not "Forward", but "Tile/Cluster-based". Even in deferred rendering, the exact same technique can be applied to achieve light culling. Therefore, in the implementation, Forward+ is written to LightManager, rather than directly constructed inside Subpass, which is in this consideration.

Debugging Tools​

During development, as with shadows, there is a need to debug "precomputed" results. However, unlike ShadowMap, the result here is an array and cannot be visualized directly, so the best approach is to provide a shader for debugging:

encoder.addEntry({{"in", "VertexOut"}}, {"out", "Output"}, [&](std::string &source){
source += "let clusterIndex : u32 = getClusterIndex(in.fragCoord);\n";
source += "let lightCount : u32 = u_clusterLights.lights[clusterIndex].point_count + u_clusterLights.lights[clusterIndex].spot_count;\n";
source += fmt::format("let lightFactor : f32 = f32(lightCount) / f32({});\n", _maxLightsPerCluster);
source += "out.finalColor = mix(vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), vec4<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), vec4<f32>(lightFactor, lightFactor, lightFactor, lightFactor ));\n";

The core logic of debugging the shader is to find the Cluster through the fragment, then get the number of light sources saved in it, and use the number as the color for debugging. Playground This case shows the corresponding effect. In the case, you will see that the debug material will render each color shade. The different rectangles correspond to the number of current light sources that are affected. With this tool it is easy to verify that the precomputed result of the light source list is reasonable.