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Shader Data

The shader data ShaderData wraps the UniformBuffer creation and upload data, and the bindings of wgpu::Buffer , wgpuTextureView, wgpu::Sampler on the rendering pipeline. In the engine, on the one hand, it is convenient for the user to upload various types of data, on the other hand, each shader data has a unique identifier, which is described by ShaderProperty:

* Shader property.
struct ShaderProperty {
/** Shader property name. */
const std::string name;

const ShaderDataGroup group;

const uint32_t uniqueId;

ShaderProperty(const std::string &name, ShaderDataGroup group);

static uint32_t _propertyNameCounter;

When I introduce WGSLEncoder, the WGSL encoder, it will be mentioned later that the encoder will save wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry:

struct BindGroupLayoutEntry {
ChainedStruct const * nextInChain = nullptr;
uint32_t binding;
ShaderStage visibility;
BufferBindingLayout buffer;
SamplerBindingLayout sampler;
TextureBindingLayout texture;
StorageTextureBindingLayout storageTexture;

The binding parameter is the same as ShaderProperty::uniqueId, so the encoder can not only build the shader code, but also find the corresponding data for binding.


In order to support various types of data upload UniformBuffer, the member functions for constructing and uploading data use function templates:

template<typename T>
void setData(ShaderProperty property, const T& value) {
auto iter = _shaderBuffers.find(property.uniqueId);
if (iter == _shaderBuffers.end()) {
Buffer(_device, sizeof(T),
wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst)));
iter = _shaderBuffers.find(property.uniqueId);

std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = to_bytes(value);
_device.GetQueue().WriteBuffer(iter->second.handle(), 0,, sizeof(T));

The function first finds whether a Buffer is constructed internally according to ShaderProperty, and if found, it directly calls WriteBuffer to update the data. It should be emphasized that wgpu::BufferUsage is used here:

wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst

The former allows us to call the WriteBuffer function, the latter means that the Buffer is writable.


wgpu::BufferUsage contains several options:

enum class BufferUsage : uint32_t {
None = 0x00000000,
MapRead = 0x00000001,
MapWrite = 0x00000002,
CopySrc = 0x00000004,
CopyDst = 0x00000008,
Index = 0x00000010,
Vertex = 0x00000020,
Uniform = 0x00000040,
Storage = 0x00000080,
Indirect = 0x00000100,
QueryResolve = 0x00000200,

Vertex is used to construct the VertexBuffer of the Mesh, and Index is used to construct the IndexBuffer. If MapRead or MapWrite is set, you need to use MapAsync first when reading and writing data function, and then call GetMappedRange to get the address of the memory map. Finally, you need Unmap to close the memory map, for example:

void EditorApplication::_readColorFromRenderTarget() {
_stageBuffer.MapAsync(wgpu::MapMode::Read, 0, 4, [](WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void * userdata) {
if (status == WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success) {
EditorApplication* app = static_cast<EditorApplication*>(userdata);
memcpy(app->, app->_stageBuffer.GetConstMappedRange(0, 4), 4);
auto picker = app->_colorPickerSubpass->getObjectByColor(app->_pixel);
app->pickFunctor(picker.first, picker.second);

}, this);


In the basic tutorial, it was mentioned that SampledTexture is a resource that binds wgpu::Sampler and wgpu::Texture together, but at the stage of configuring the rendering pipeline, the two must be disassembled again. And each must be equipped with a unique ID. The only job of ShaderData is to implement the following four functions:

void setSampledTexture(const std::string &texture_name,
const std::string &sample_name,
const SampledTexturePtr& value);

void setSampledTexture(const ShaderProperty &texture_prop,
const ShaderProperty &sample_prop,
const SampledTexturePtr& value);

wgpu::TextureView getTextureView(uint32_t uniqueID);

wgpu::Sampler& getSampler(uint32_t uniqueID);

The first two will introduce the usage in detail when introducing Material. In short, it is to save SampledTexturePtr; when the latter two are used to bind resources, use SampledTexture::sampler and SampledTexture::textureView to get the corresponding type.

Macro (ShaderMacro)

For convenience, ShaderData provides member functions related to the shader macro ShaderMacroCollection:

void ShaderData::enableMacro(const std::string& macroName) {

void ShaderData::enableMacro(const std::string& macroName, double value) {
_macroCollection.enableMacro(macroName, value);

void ShaderData::disableMacro(const std::string& macroName) {

void ShaderData::mergeMacro(const ShaderMacroCollection &macros,
ShaderMacroCollection &result) const {
ShaderMacroCollection::unionCollection(macros, _macroCollection, result);

Shader macros can make WGSLEncoder generate specific shader code according to the characteristics of the resource, such as whether it contains Normal, whether it needs to generate WorldPosition, etc. The macro is insensitive to the user itself. In the process of configuring Material and Renderer, it will be automatically recorded and finally forwarded to WGSLEncoder to encode the shader code.

Practice in Arche.js

Arche.js' handling of ShaderData is essentially the same as the above code. But since TypeScript only has generics and no templates, And it is impossible to directly treat any type as a bytes-array like C++, so you need to define an overloaded function for all types used, for example:

* Shader data collection,Correspondence includes shader properties data and macros data.
export class ShaderData implements IRefObject, IClone {
* Get two-dimensional from shader property name.
* @param propertyID - Shader property name
* @returns Two-dimensional vector
getVector2(propertyID: number): Buffer;

* Get two-dimensional from shader property name.
* @param propertyName - Shader property name
* @returns Two-dimensional vector
getVector2(propertyName: string): Buffer;

* Get two-dimensional from shader property.
* @param property - Shader property
* @returns Two-dimensional vector
getVector2(property: ShaderProperty): Buffer;

getVector2(property: number | string | ShaderProperty): Buffer {
return this._getDataBuffer(property);

* Set two-dimensional vector from shader property name.
* @remarks Correspondence includes vec2、ivec2 and bvec2 shader property type.
* @param property - Shader property name
* @param value - Two-dimensional vector
setVector2(property: string, value: Vector2): void;

* Set two-dimensional vector from shader property.
* @remarks Correspondence includes vec2、ivec2 and bvec2 shader property type.
* @param property - Shader property
* @param value - Two-dimensional vector
setVector2(property: ShaderProperty, value: Vector2): void;

setVector2(property: string | ShaderProperty, value: Vector2): void {
ShaderData._floatArray2[0] = value.x;
ShaderData._floatArray2[1] = value.y;
this._setDataBuffer(property, ShaderData._floatArray2);

These overloaded functions copy data to a static array type based on the length of the type:

export class ShaderData implements IRefObject, IClone {
private static _intArray1: Int32Array = new Int32Array(1);
private static _floatArray1: Float32Array = new Float32Array(1);
private static _floatArray2: Float32Array = new Float32Array(2);
private static _floatArray3: Float32Array = new Float32Array(3);
private static _floatArray4: Float32Array = new Float32Array(4);

With these array types, data is sent to the GPU:

export class ShaderData implements IRefObject, IClone {
* @internal
_setDataBuffer(property: string | ShaderProperty, value: Float32Array | Int32Array): void {
if (typeof property === "string") {
property = Shader.getPropertyByName(property);

if (property._group !== this._group) {
if (property._group === undefined) {
property._group = this._group;
} else {
throw `Shader property ${} has been used as ${ShaderDataGroup[property._group]} property.`;

if (this._propertyResources[property._uniqueId] == undefined) {
this._propertyResources[property._uniqueId] = new Buffer(this._engine, value.byteLength, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST);
(<Buffer>this._propertyResources[property._uniqueId]).uploadData(value, 0, 0, value.byteLength);

Note that since the type of value is Float32Array | Int32Array, the length of the array is value.length, not the data length byteLength.