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If Component is a single object of std::unique_ptr constructed from an entity, then resources are managed with std::shared_ptr and can be shared among multiple components. In Arche, resources can be divided into two main categories:

  1. Mesh (Mesh): wgpu::Buffer corresponding to WebGPU
  2. Textures with additional samplers (SampledTexture): wgpu::Texture and wgpu::Sampler for WebGPU

Material are also managed through std::shared_ptr and can be reused on multiple Renderers. But it's not a resource, so it's not listed above.


The mesh is a necessary resource for rendering. To construct any mesh, you need to specify four pieces of information:

  1. IndexBufferBinding: vertex index
  2. VertexBuffer: vertex data, must include position, can contain additional data such as normal, UV
  3. wgpu::VertexBufferLayout describes the data layout in VertexBuffer so that shaders can read specific data
  4. SubMesh: The mesh contains multiple sub-mesh, each sub-mesh corresponds to a specific material, so that different parts on a Mesh correspond to different material information

In Arche, Mesh is the base class for all meshes, and there are two subclasses implemented:

  1. ModelMesh: By setting data such as Position and Normal, wgpu::VertexBufferLayout and various Buffer are automatically constructed according to the set data.
  2. BufferMesh: directly set the information required by Mesh.

The easiest way to construct a ModelMesh is through the PrimitiveMesh tool class, which provides basic geometric shapes including cubes, spheres, cones, capsules, etc. You can use these tool functions to quickly test the rendering effect.

auto renderer = cubeEntity->addComponent<MeshRenderer>();
renderer->setMesh(PrimitiveMesh::createCuboid(_device, 1));

while BufferMesh Users need to build wgpu::Buffer or even wgpu::VertexBufferLayout by themselves. For example, in GLTFLoader, this method is used to construct the mesh from the mesh vertex data in GLTF:

void GLTFLoader::loadMeshes(tinygltf::Model& model) {
for (auto &gltf_mesh: model.meshes) {
std::vector<std::pair<MeshPtr, MaterialPtr>> renderer{};
for (auto &primitive: gltf_mesh.primitives) {
if (primitive.indices < 0) {

auto bufferMesh = std::make_shared<BufferMesh>();


The type SampledTexture represented by the texture attached to the sampler maintains both wgpu::Texture and wgpu::Sampler objects.


In modern graphics APIs, samplers and textures are two separate types, but it is difficult to design an easy-to-use interface to handle the two separately during shading. For example, a sampler corresponds to multiple textures. If a texture requires special sampling, Then another sampler needs to be built, the relationship between the two is difficult to match, and a complex cache relationship needs to be built. Therefore, Arche still handles the two together.


As a base class, SampledTexture actually mainly maintains the relevant interfaces required to configure wgpu::SamplerDescriptor, while subclasses such as SampledTexture2D are responsible for the construction of wgpu::Texture and data access. wgpu::SamplerDescriptor has the following configuration parameters:

struct SamplerDescriptor {
ChainedStruct const * nextInChain = nullptr;
char const * label = nullptr;
AddressMode addressModeU = AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
AddressMode addressModeV = AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
AddressMode addressModeW = AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
FilterMode magFilter = FilterMode::Nearest;
FilterMode minFilter = FilterMode::Nearest;
FilterMode mipmapFilter = FilterMode::Nearest;
float lodMinClamp = 0.0f;
float lodMaxClamp = 1000.0f;
CompareFunction compare = CompareFunction::Undefined;
uint16_t maxAnisotropy = 1;

These parameters can be seen in SampledTexture. When the user configures these parameters, the dirty flag will take effect, so when trying to get wgpu::Sampler, it will choose whether to rebuild the sampler according to the dirty flag:

wgpu::Sampler& SampledTexture::sampler() {
if (_isDirty) {
_nativeSampler = _device.CreateSampler(&_samplerDesc);
_isDirty = false;
return _nativeSampler;


If you need to construct a texture, you need to read the image file first, then decode it and pass it into the GPU to get wgpu::Texture. Image provides very simple static functions for loading images:

std::unique_ptr<Image> Image::load(const std::string &uri, bool flipY) {
std::unique_ptr<Image> image{nullptr};

auto data = fs::readAsset(uri);

// Get extension
auto extension = fs::extraExtension(uri);
if (extension == "png" || extension == "jpg") {
image = std::make_unique<Stb>(data, flipY);
} else if (extension == "astc") {
image = std::make_unique<Astc>(data, flipY);
} else if (extension == "ktx") {
image = std::make_unique<Ktx>(data, flipY);
} else if (extension == "ktx2") {
image = std::make_unique<Ktx>(data, flipY);
return image;

You can see that almost all widely used texture formats are currently supported. After getting std::unique_ptr<Image>, you can convert it to std::shared_ptr<SampledTexture2D> through the createSampledTexture function:

std::shared_ptr<SampledTexture2D> Image::createSampledTexture(wgpu::Device &device, wgpu::TextureUsage usage) {
auto sampledTex = std::make_shared<SampledTexture2D>(device,,, _format, usage,
_mipmaps.size() > 1? true:false);
return sampledTex;


Cubemap require six Images, so there is no member function that directly exports cubemap in Image. For cubemap, the following methods are generally used:

const std::string path = "SkyMap/country/";
const std::array<std::string, 6> imageNames = {"posx.png", "negx.png", "posy.png", "negy.png", "posz.png", "negz.png"};
std::array<std::unique_ptr<Image>, 6> images;
std::array<Image*, 6> imagePtr;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
images[i] = Image::load(path + imageNames[i]);
imagePtr[i] = images[i].get();
auto cubeMap = std::make_shared<SampledTextureCube>(_device, images[0]->extent().width, images[0]->extent().height,

setPixelBuffer will loop through all Image and Mipmap information in each Image, and upload all the information to wgpu::Texture.