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In the App, you can see that the main function is as follows:

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
vox::UnixEngine engine{vox::UnixType::Mac, argc, argv};

auto code = engine.initialize();
if (code == vox::ExitCode::Success) {
utils::ScopedAutoreleasePool pool;
code = engine.mainLoop();



Among them, something like PrimitiveApp is just a subclass of Application, and different scenarios can be set by configuring different subclasses. As you can see from this function, you first need to initialize UnixEngine, which is for Unix A platform-specialized Engine subclass, mainly responsible for specializing the createWindow function to create platform-dependent windows:

void UnixEngine::createWindow(const Window::Properties &properties) {
_window = std::make_unique<GlfwWindow>(this, properties);

Therefore, you can create the corresponding implementation according to the needs of your own platform.


Engine essentially concatenates Windows and Application, and forwards events from Windows to Application for processing.

void GlfwWindow::processEvents() {

ExitCode Engine::mainLoop() {
// Load the requested app
if (!startApp()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load requested application";
return ExitCode::FatalError;

// Compensate for load times of the app by rendering the first frame pre-emptively

while (!_window->shouldClose()) {
try {

catch (std::exception &e) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error Message: " << e.what();
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed when running application " << _activeApp->name();

return ExitCode::FatalError;

return ExitCode::Success;

GLFW uses event monitoring to control the events of the entire window. A series of callback functions are registered during construction. When glfwPollEvents is called, these callback functions are called at one time, for example:

void mouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int /*mods*/) {
MouseAction mouse_action = translateMouseAction(action);

if (auto *engine = reinterpret_cast<Engine *>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window))) {
double xpos, ypos;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &xpos, &ypos);


void Engine::inputEvent(const InputEvent &inputEvent) {
if (_processInputEvents && _activeApp) {

if (inputEvent.source() == EventSource::Keyboard) {
const auto &key_event = static_cast<const KeyInputEvent &>(inputEvent);

if (key_event.code() == KeyCode::Back ||
key_event.code() == KeyCode::Escape) {

In these callback functions, events are encapsulated as InputEvent objects and sent to Engine, and finally forwarded to Application.


Encapsulation into InputEvent enables other types of operating system windows, such as SDL or Cocoa, even if the callback function has a different form, the result can be packaged into InputEvent, so that upper-level users have no idea about the underlying behavior. feel.


Application is the main entrance of the application. You can construct suitable applications as needed through subclass inheritance. Currently, the following inheritance relationships exist in Arche-cpp:

  1. Application: defines the basic interface of Application
  2. GraphicsApplication: Construct WebGPU-based objects, including wgpu::Device, RenderContext
  3. ForwardApplication: Defines the forward rendering pipeline as the core application, and the scenes in the executable file App are based on this type.
  4. EditorApplication: Defines the texture reading methods including forward rendering and FrameBufferPicker, so that a variety of scene editing methods can be added. The executable file Editor is based on this type.

Because Application is almost responsible for the assets and execution logic of the entire engine, it will not be expanded here, including rendering loops, physical components, etc., please refer to the subsequent tutorials.

Compare with Arche.js​

The architecture described above does not exist in Arche.js, because the browser itself handles many issues including creating windows, responding to events, and cross-platform. In the specific use, the core is to construct the Canvas canvas, namely:

<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0">
<canvas id="canvas" style="width: 100vw; height: 100vh"></canvas>
<script type="module" src="/apps/main.js"></script>

At the same time, the initialization of WebGPU is asynchronous, so it is necessary to construct the objects required by the scene in the Promise:

init(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve => {
powerPreference: "high-performance"
}).then((adapter) => {
this._adapter = adapter;
this._adapter.requestDevice().then((device) => {
this._device = device;

this._renderContext = this._canvas.createRenderContext(this._adapter, this._device);
this._renderPasses.push(new ForwardRenderPass(this));
this._sceneManager.activeScene = new Scene(this, "DefaultScene");