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Component: Transform

Coordinate System​

In the Arche project, the right-handed coordinate system is used uniformly, and to maintain uniformity with the matrix used in the shader, both the matrix and the vector are stored in column-major. In addition, in order to make a more detailed distinction between some operations in terms of mathematical concepts, we distinguish between Vector and Point. These two types are very similar. For example, the length of a vector can be calculated, and the length from a point to the origin can also be calculated. Point can add a displacement represented by a Vector to get a new Point, and two Point Adding only gives a Vector representing the displacement. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to distinguish these two concepts in specific use.


C++ Templates are used for all math types, float is generally used for rendering, and double is a common choice for simulation projects. Using template types, you can let the programmer choose the precision as needed, and each type provides castTo member functions to facilitate mutual conversion. As a result, simulated programs can be easily visualized in conjunction with rendering component without introducing another set of math classes.


There is no distinction between Point and Vector in Arche.js, mainly because JavaScript does not have operator overloading, which makes it easy to confuse the use of too many mathematical concepts, so a more streamlined design is adopted.

Transform component​

Transform component can be said to be the most basic component, which package these concepts into a description of Entity based on Point, Vector, Quaternion and Matrix4x4. And use the pointer of the child and parent entity saved in the Entity to get the coordinates and transformation matrix in world space.

class Transform : public Component {
Transform(Entity *entity);

* Local position.
* @remarks Need to re-assign after modification to ensure that the modification takes effect.
Point3F position();

void setPosition(const Point3F &value);

* World position.
* @remarks Need to re-assign after modification to ensure that the modification takes effect.
Point3F worldPosition();

void setWorldPosition(const Point3F &value);


Dirty marks​

In the specific implementation, since more information needs to be updated each time, including position, scaling, rotation, etc., dirty marks are introduced:

* Dirty flag of transform.
enum TransformFlag {
LocalEuler = 0x1,
LocalQuat = 0x2,
WorldPosition = 0x4,
WorldEuler = 0x8,
WorldQuat = 0x10,
WorldScale = 0x20,
LocalMatrix = 0x40,
WorldMatrix = 0x80,

/** WorldMatrix | WorldPosition */
WmWp = 0x84,
/** WorldMatrix | WorldEuler | WorldQuat */
WmWeWq = 0x98,
/** WorldMatrix | WorldPosition | WorldEuler | WorldQuat */
WmWpWeWq = 0x9c,
/** WorldMatrix | WorldScale */
WmWs = 0xa0,
/** WorldMatrix | WorldPosition | WorldScale */
WmWpWs = 0xa4,
/** WorldMatrix | WorldPosition | WorldEuler | WorldQuat | WorldScale */
WmWpWeWqWs = 0xbc

When a variable is modified, it will not only modify the value of the current Transform, but also record the dirty mark on the corresponding Transform components of all child entities:

void Transform::setPosition(const Point3F &value) {
_position = value;

void Transform::_updateWorldPositionFlag() {
if (!_isContainDirtyFlags(TransformFlag::WmWp)) {
const auto &nodeChildren = _entity->_children;
for (size_t i = 0, n = nodeChildren.size(); i < n; i++) {

In this way, when the pose information of the Transform component corresponding to the child entity is obtained, the _getParentTransform member function will be triggered to update the data from the parent entity because it is marked as dirty:

Point3F Transform::worldPosition() {
if (_isContainDirtyFlag(TransformFlag::WorldPosition)) {
if (_getParentTransform()) {
_worldPosition = getTranslation(worldMatrix());
} else {
_worldPosition = _position;
return _worldPosition;

Transform *Transform::_getParentTransform() {
if (!_isParentDirty) {
return _parentTransformCache;
Transform *parentCache = nullptr;
auto parent = _entity->parent();
while (parent) {
const auto &transform = parent->transform;
if (transform) {
parentCache = transform;
} else {
parent = parent->parent();
_parentTransformCache = parentCache;
_isParentDirty = false;
return parentCache;

Update notification​

In addition to marking in the associated Transform so that when a component is updated, related components can also be updated synchronously, there is also an observer pattern to be notified of data updates. This mechanism is implemented through UpdateFlagManager. For other objects that need to be observed, you can call:

std::unique_ptr<UpdateFlag> Transform::registerWorldChangeFlag() {
return _updateFlagManager.registration();

_worldAssociatedChange is fired when Transform changes, which causes all UpdateFlag registered with UpdateFlagManager to be flagged:

void Transform::_worldAssociatedChange(int type) {
_dirtyFlag |= type;

void UpdateFlagManager::distribute() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _updateFlags.size(); i++) {
_updateFlags[i]->flag = true;

Therefore, you only need to observe the state of UpdateFlag to know whether the corresponding state needs to be updated. For example, in the physics component, Collider synchronizes the poses of Entity and PxRigidActor in this way:

void Collider::_onUpdate() {
if (_updateFlag->flag) {
const auto &transform = entity()->transform;
const auto &p = transform->worldPosition();
auto q = transform->worldRotationQuaternion();
_nativeActor->setGlobalPose(PxTransform(PxVec3(p.x, p.y, p.z), PxQuat(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)));
_updateFlag->flag = false;

const auto worldScale = transform->lossyWorldScale();
for (auto &_shape: _shapes) {